5 Tricks to Improve Your Home’s Appraisal in Winter

Nov 14, 2016

Lowering the price of your home is not always the right solution to make the sale.  Here are some tricks to sustain or improve your appraisal for the cold season.5-Tricks-to-Improve-Your-Home's-Appraisal-in-Winter-via-Alaris-Properties

  1. Don’t let your house be an energy-hog

Remodeling is a stressful task in itself, but if it’s going to make your house more energy efficient, then consider it an investment in your future. More and more buyers are looking for energy efficient homes. Increased demand creates sustainable price points, especially in the housing market.

  1. Smart technology

Certain technologies like programmable thermostats, smart security systems, and high-tech door locks can add to a home’s value because of their appeal to millennials. This could make it all worth it, by potentially increase your sale price by 3 to 5 percent.

  1. Simplicity and stress-free buying

Many first time buyers are going to be using up the majority of their savings to purchase their property, so making sure mechanical issues with heating, electric, and plumbing systems are resolved before getting an appraisal. Making sure your roof and floors are pristine will add value, as well.

  1. Make the floor plans work for you

Staging is important because it manifests a buyer’s creative imagination during their tour. They don’t have to agree with every detail, but it serves to show them one way to utilize space in the home. The trick with staging is creating a balance between personality and fluid.

  1. The kitchen is still your best friend

The kitchen holds a particular sway over home buyers that few other parts do. Adding stainless steel finishes adds a clean, contemporary feel to the room. Putting in $5,000 could add another zero or two to your appraisal and sale price.

Following these simple steps can raise the sale price of your home by up to 35%. Maintaining your home will justify the price you and your agent agree to list.