Colorado’s 2014 Economic Forecast

Dec 18, 2013

  • Colorado is expected to be among the top 5 states for job growth
  • The state is likely to keep its unemployment rate below 7%
  • Home prices will continue to improve in Colorado as foreclosures decline and inventory is absorbed
  • Colorado, the seventh-fastest growing state in the nation in percentage terms, is expected to see population growth of 1.7%
  • Colorado has one of the healthiest populations in the country – ranked 8th among states by United Health Foundation. Therefore, Colorado officials plan to make the state a hub for wellness and digital health companies, one they believe can put them at the leading edge of a new movement in healthcare.
  • Colorado will continue to rank in the top 15 states with the most entrepreneur-friendly environment

In summary, Richard Wobbekind, economist and executive director of the Leeds School’s Business Research Division, recently stated, “With Colorado’s skilled workforce, high-tech diversified economy, relatively low cost of doing business, global economic access and exceptional quality of life, the state is poised for long-term economic growth.”

We track this information because it points to greater investment into Colorado and a more stable economy. Be sure to follow us on Twitter where we tweet about the real estate market. Feel free to ask us any real estate-related questions, you can contact us here.

Happy New Year! Here’s to new beginnings!