Hickenlooper and the Senate

Feb 20, 2013

What John Hickenlooper had to say at the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources:

From mining to oil exploration to leading a green energy revolution, Colorado presents a model for the nation. Our approach is balanced. We are encouraging efforts to make coal a cleaner source of energy, but while that research continues, we will work with the resources at hand.

Colorado has a history of creativity in its approach to energy. In 2004, we became the first state in the country to launch a renewable energy standard through a statewide voter initiative. In 2010, we passed the landmark Clean Air Clean Jobs Act, which switches much of our electrical generation from coal power plants to natural gas, thereby addressing both climate and air quality while reducing water consumption.

In conclusion, the natural gas revolution and growth of renewable energy technologies present Colorado and the country with an extraordinary opportunity:

1. New Jobs
2. More Security
3. Energy-Independence
4. Protecting the Environment