Plants that Love the Heat: Landscaping in Colorado

Jun 5, 2017

Colorado’s uniquely temperamental climate can make it hard to plan for spring and summer planting. The dry heat and abundant, intense sunshine of the summer months isn’t exactly ideal for many of our favorite warm-weather blooms, but that doesn’t mean your yard has to look barren this season. If you’re wondering what plants grow in Colorado, check out our list of climate-friendly plants to create your own summer oasis.

plants in colorado


Not only is lavender a perfect way to add a pop of color to your landscape, but these blooms are also drought resistant and unbelievably easy to grow. Plus, they attract butterflies, which will only make your garden feel more idyllic.

Summer Vegetables

Your garden adds beauty to your home, but it can be functional too. As the weather gets warmer, consider heat-loving veggies like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant to fill out your yard while providing food for your table.


These weather-resistant blossoms provide a vibrant mix of colors to your flower beds and won’t be affected by wildlife like deer or rabbits. The delicate blooms are a perfect way to make your garden feel brighter and livelier.

Xeriscape Plants

In a drought-prone state like Colorado, choosing plants that require less water is a responsible way to build your garden. For a slightly different approach, you may want to try xeriscaping with plants like hardy cacti, succulents, or even ground cover plants like stonecrop to replace your grass. These types of plants are made to resist high temperatures and direct sunlight, and the reduced water use is good for the environment, too.


If you’re planting flowers, bushes, and vegetables, why not try herbs as well? Basil is a versatile herb that grows well in dry climates and can be used creatively in home-cooked cuisine. Other herbs to try planting this year include parsley, rosemary, and thyme.

Russian Sage

This violet-speckled bush prefers the hot sun and attracts bees to pollinate any plants or vegetables in your garden. It also spreads well, so if you’ve got a lot of space to fill, Russian Sage is a good option.

Your garden will look better than ever this summer with the addition of a few of these Colorado-friendly plants.