Technology has already become an integral part of our lives, and now it is entering the home. Homes today can be equipped with different monitoring and control systems to allow owners to close blinds, lower heat, lock doors and more from their mobile phones.
- Thermostat – It is easy to forget to turn the thermostat to a neutral setting when you are away at the office all day. Nest Learning Thermostat connects your thermostat to a computer, laptop or tablet for easy access. The system can sense when you are near or away from home and adjusts itself accordingly to save you money and energy. Eventually, it will remember your temperature habits and set a schedule to maintain a temperature schedule.
- Camera – The summer is filled with many long weekend getaways that leave your home alone and abandoned for 3-4 days. Although you could get a house sitter, it may be easier to install 24/7 live video streaming of your home to your phone. Nest Cam alerts your phone if any alarming motion or sounds happen while you are gone. If you are giving your kids their first trial home alone, Nest Cam has a ‘talk and listen’ feature to alert the kids and discuss with them any alarming issues.
- Alarm Hush – The Nest Protect Smoke + CO Alarm sends alerts to your phone when there are spontaneous, slow burning fires, if there is carbon monoxide in the air, or even if the batteries are running low in your smoke alarms. Valuing every second, the system allows you to hush the alarm after burning the popcorn or slaving over the stove for family night dinner.
At Alaris Properties, we know you have invested time, trust, and most importantly – money – into your home. We want you to have the best technology to keep it safe and accessible no matter where you are in your day. With advancing technology we hope you take advantage of house managing aps we have listed above.