6 Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund on Your Home

Apr 20, 2022

It’s tax season! Right now many of us are gathering up the correct forms and papers to file our taxes and get our refunds. When that money hits your bank account, what are you going to do with it? Many people choose to invest their money or pay off debts, but it doesn’t hurt to spend a little on yourself. Or how about your house?

You probably won’t be able to renovate your kitchen, but your refund can help you cross a few things off of your to-do list.

Whether you’re retouching to cover scratches and scrapes or completely redoing a color of a room, a new coat of paint can really make a difference.

Fix Leaks
Does a room feel drafty? Do you have a leaky faucet? When you get your tax refund, fix whatever it is in your home that leaks. This will save you money in the long run.

Replace Light Fixtures
Light fixtures are usually the most outdated pieces of a home. Get ahead of the game and replace some of your older fixtures. Look for energy efficient lighting options and shave a little off your energy bill.

Update Appliances
While we’re on the topic of things outdated, you might as well make a list. Shower heads and faucets are great things to upgrade, and there are many water efficient options available. If you have a little extra money to spend, upgrade your kitchen appliances too. This will not only help you save energy but it will also give your kitchen a new feel.

Get a Home Energy Audit
If you really want to save money and make your home energy efficient, get an audit done. An energy audit will show you any problems that you may have and what can be done to fix them.

This is just a small list of things you can do to your home with your tax refund. What are your plans? Share with us on our Facebook page.