Winter Wonderland Checklist

Dec 3, 2013

Alaris Winter Wonderland ChecklistIt’s important to watch how your house responds to the environment through spring, summer, fall and winter. Take advantage of major snowfalls to learn things about your house that only snow can show.

For example, is the snow melting from your roof rapidly? That means heat is escaping from your home through the roof and you should consider adding some attic insulation. Rapid formation of icicles without a thaw is another indication that you’re losing heat through the roof.

Now that winter is here to stay, don’t forget to:
1. Check your roof for ice dams and break them up to release water if necessary. Frozen dams along the eaves cause melted snow to puddle above and possibly leak through the roof.

2. Knock snow from tree branches to keep them from breaking under the weight.

3. Sweep snow from roofs that have shallow angles or little support (sheds, carports, lean-tos) if it can be done safely.

4. Block north-facing crawl-space vents with a piece of plywood as a temporary measure to get through a cold winter with pipes intact.

5. Check forced-air heating ducts (if you have them) for leaks and routinely vacuum dust from duct grilles.

And now, here’s the part of the list where we add a little holiday cheer!

6. Buy a live tree! Christmas is around the corner and, if you buy a living tree (which doesn’t cost much more and can be planted after the holidays), give it a thorough watering before you take it indoors.

7. Get in the holiday spirit by bringing in the outdoors: holly sprigs, swags of evergreen, and mistletoe, of course.

Alaris wishes you peace and joy this holiday season. Share your bright moments on our Gratitude Corner. We enjoy seeing your photos and hearing your stories.

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