XCEL’s Solar Rewards Program

Jul 21, 2013

XCEL’s Solar Rewards program has increased to 33.6 megawatts available for rebates for small-size solar power systems at least for the remainder of 2013 until the commissioners approve XCEL’s 2014 plan.

In Colorado, the rebate money comes from a 2 percent surcharge added to the monthly bills of XCEL customers to help pay for renewable energy projects.

On top of the increase of megawatts available for the Solar Rewards program, XCEL’s pollution levels have dropped because of three major initiatives:

1. Colorado’s existing renewable energy standards, which mandate XCEL obtain 30 percent of its power from renewable energy sources by 2020.

2. Implementation of the state’s controversial 2010 Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act, which will shut down about 900 megawatts worth of coal-based power plants by 2017.

3. XCEL’s energy efficiency and energy conservation programs.

The head of XCEL’s environmental policy hopes Colorado will get credit under the Obama Administration’s newly announced effort to reduce greenhouse gases from power plants for this work that is already under way.

We are seeing more buyers want to explore alternative energy when purchasing a home. Photovoltaic panels along with other solar options are more in demand than ever.

Remember, Daniel Beckerle is an Eco-Broker if you have any questions about building “green” or adding any “green” features to your home. You can read more about Dan here: Daniel J. Beckerle’s company bio

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